Respiratory Therapist
Shivali is a Respiratory Therapist who also currently works at BC Women's and Children's Hospital in Vancouver. She holds her Bachelor of Science degree from SFU.
From a young age, Shivali knew she wanted to work with children in some capacity. It was during her NICU and PICU clinical rotations that she realized how much she absolutely loved working with the neonatal and paediatric population. Over the last few years, Shivali has worked closely with families and children with complex medical needs. Working together within a multidisciplinary team, she helps facilitate discharges from hospital of those children that require respiratory support. Though her role has been related to respiratory care plans and equipment teaching, it has been most important to Shivali that families leave the hospital feeling confident that they themselves are the best caregiver(s) for their child.
“Growing up, I had the opportunity to really live the quote - "it takes a village to raise a child". Having been raised in Summerland, B.C., the focus of my entire childhood was community - how to live in one, build one, and support one. I am grateful to have the opportunity to be a part of the Paramount Pediatrics community!