Healthy teeth: the basics
Habits that wreck your teeth:
Chewing on ice – causes cracking and fractures
Playing sports with no mouth guard - can lead to fractures or loss of teeth
Bedtime bottles – risk of ‘Baby Bottle Tooth Decay’
Tongue piercings – can cause chips, rubbing leading to gum recession, and bacteria buildup
Grinding teeth (Bruxism) – wears down teeth or develops cracks
Cough drops (non-sugar-free) – bathes teeth in sugar
Gummy candy – sticks in crevices and causes tooth decay
Soda – bathes teeth in sugar and causes tooth decay
Opening stuff with your teeth – causes chips or fractures
Sports drinks – bathes teeth in sugar and causes tooth decay
Fruit juice (undiluted) – bathes teeth in sugar and causes tooth decay
Potato chips – stick to teeth causing bacterial / plaque buildup
Constant snacking – food debris and plaque sit on teeth for prolonged periods of time
Chewing on pensils / pens – causes chips or fractures
Drinking coffee – dries mouth leading to tooth decay
Smoking – dry mouth, plaque buildup, gum disease, and an increased risk of oral cancer
Drinking red wine – chromogen red stain, high acid content prones teeth to pick up stain, tannins help stain bind to teeth
Drinking white wine – high acid content prones teeth to pick up stain, tannins help stain bind to teeth
Binge eating – dental decay through high sugar content exposure or induced vomiting
Here are some helpful website links on this common topic: